Saturday, 8 May 2010

Soooo overall....

I still have 2 weeks left but so far I am really enjoying my time at French Connection and it isn't anything like how I thought it would be considering French Connection is classed as a high street shop. The work like high end designers however they are under more pressure and therefore especially towards the end of designing S/S 11 there are lots of things to do.

The designers seem to take inspiration from anything, there isn't a particular direction, which I found quite odd. They look at designer trends but different designs use different elements, however the collection looks very youthful as head designer Emma has the last say, and chooses more commercial looks rather than the design she likes the most, they also asked me a lot whether I would wear the designs.

I have learnt a lot about fabrics from listening and watching them choose particular fabrics to do particular jobs and also I have done a lot to do with prints which I have found really interesting.

In the time have been been working there a total of 8 designers have designed, chosen fabrics and artworks, fitted toiles and done spec sheets for everything and next week will e checking up on the factories in India, Hong Kong and Turkey, which just shows how fast they have worked.

When all the designers come back I will be helping to put outfits together for the show at the end of may and dressing the models. It will be so good to see everything that I have helped with!!

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